Neither you nor your loved ones have to experience this season of life alone. ---Mattyee

Neither you nor your loved ones have to experience this season of life alone.  ---Mattyee

Friday, November 1, 2013

Homebound Survival

At sometime in our life, some of us are homebound due to injury, accident or chronic illness.

According to an article on the National Center for Biotechnology Information website,, "there are up to 3.6 million people considered homebound. People who are homebound suffer from a multitude of medical and psychiatric illnesses. The homebound elderly suffer from metabolic, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disease, as well as from cognitive impairment, dementia and depression at higher rates than the general elderly population."

In San Francisco, as of 2008, approximately 106,169 seniors (approximately 20 percent of the City's residents aged 60 and over) were living in San Francisco. Seniors are defined by the U.S. Census as adults 60 years and older.

Questions for boomer and senior readers:

If you are homebound, why?
What are the challenges?
What tools can help you age in place?
Visit, page 8, or pick up a newsrack copy of the October issue, for the consultant's article "Senior Smarts: Homebound Survival" for the definition, contributing factors, problem management, what are homebound ministries.
"Caring for an Aging Loved One: The Family Caregiver's Guide Book", ©2007. This article is an excerpt. 
