Wednesday, February 9, 2011
It seems we recently turned the page to a new year. We reflected on the year that passed, remembering the good and learning from the bad. Reflecting on 2010 refreshed memories of being a member of the audience of "View of the Bay;" holding the Olympic Torch with Anne Warner Cribbs (1960 Olympian - Swimming) during the Healthy Aging Summit; Mayor Gavin and Jennifer Newsom City Hall 'Holiday Open House': meeting Jennifer Siebel Newsom and extending best wishes to Mayor Newsom as he assumes the office of Lieutenant Governor. The "new year" tradition is to make resolutions. One of the resolutions readers should put on their list is organizing your important health and personal records and practicing healthy living. January was National Glaucoma Awareness Month. The January CARING BOOMERS NEWSLETTER contains information on glaucoma and educational sources to help you understand the importance of early detection and vision aids for those with low vision.